Resource Centre - Publications

Results Report 2022

When COVID-19 emerged in early 2020, the Global Fund took swift action to fight the pandemic and protect hard-won gains against HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria. With the support of our generous donors, we have since awarded more than US$4.4 billion to help countries respond to the new virus, mitigate its impact on lifesaving HIV, TB and malaria services and make urgent improvements to health systems. While we were not able to prevent COVID-19 from having a massive impact on people living in low- and middle-income countries, including both the direct impact of the new virus and the reversal of hard-won gains against HIV, TB and malaria, it could have been much worse.

We saw the benefits of the interventions we made in 2021, with gains in key programmatic results across all three diseases. The Global Fund’s Results Report 2022 details how our partnership played a critical role in supporting countries and communities to respond to the pandemic and continue the progress in the fight against HIV, TB and malaria.

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Resource Centre - Publications

The Impact of COVID-19 On HIV, TB And Malaria Services and Systems For Health: A Snapshot from 502 Health Facilities across Africa and Asia

The impact of COVID-19 on HIV, TB and Malaria Services and Systems for Health: A snapshot from 502 health facilities across Africa and Asia.

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The Global Fund Quality Assurance Policy for Diagnostic Products

Implementers of Global Fund-supported programs must ensure the diagnostic products they purchase meet our partnership’s quality standards.

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